Colearn accelerates change through scalable and inclusive solutions and processes rooted in science, enhanced by learning and technology

Colearn session (IN SWEDISH)

Accelerating Learning, Leadership & Strategy

Get inspired by Södra (Swedish forest industry group) as they share learnings from how they’ve strengthened learning in everyday life, developed their global leadership and created a movement towards their strategy. All in one accelerator.



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Sara Bengtsson

Kamilla Svensson

Maria Cole

Bella Funck

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Södra (Sweden's largest forest owners association and international forest industry group) is undergoing a extensive culture and strategy transformation, with “learning mindset” and leadership being their driving force to succeed.

With Colearn’s science-based approach, professionalism and passion, together we have created a movement that is transforming our business and people. Through many small steps, with our roots in the forest, we have strengthened learning in everyday life, developed our leadership capacity and accelerated action towards our strategy.
— Kamilla Svensson, HR-strategist, Södra

In this Colearn Session we invited them to share:

  • Actions they have taken

  • Changes they have seen

  • Learnings they have made

Since 2019, Colearn have been working together with Södra to modernise and develop a new version of their global leadership program. The work resulted in an accelerator for all leaders (approx 600) to strengthen learning in every-day life, develop leadership capabilities and create a movement towards their new strategy direction.

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About Colearn

We partner up to develop more adaptive, resilient and innovative people and organisations.

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